How to travel on a budget?
With summer approaching, we start to think and plan our summer holidays and normally this is an extra expensive which people cant always afford. However exploring exotic locations doesn't always have to be expensive, and you don't need to win the jackpot to travel the world — at least not if you know how to budget. Follow these 6 simple steps to save you £££ on your next holiday.
1. Plan
If you have the luxury of time and money, travelling on the spur of the moment is great. However if you're travelling on a budget, the first step is to make a plan. It doesn't need to be a detailed, hour-by-hour itinerary, but you should have a rough idea of how much time you'll spend in each city or nation, as well as research into how much typical items would be in different cities, e.g. beer, dinner and hotels. This will give you an idea how much money will be needed for each city, and how much time you can spend there depending on your budget.
2. Travel out of season
Avoid travelling during school holidays since the travel industry raises prices to take advantage of families who can only travel during these weeks. This is a great way for students and couples to save a bit of money as they are more flexible with their time. Also, find out when's the best time is to visit your desired location, and travel just before or after those days. You'll still have a great time even though the sun won't be shining quite as brightly (but it won't be nearly as hot) and it wont be as busy which is always good. During this time, hotels and airlines will cut their prices to entice customers.
3. Accommodation
The most obvious way to save money on accommodation is my staying in hostel dorms as sharing a room automatically divides costs, and communal bunk rooms provide an opportunity to meet individuals who might be interested in going on an adventure with you. Although if that's not your thing other option would be AirBnB, which allows you to hire a room in a local's home or apartment. It'll cut the cost in half and give you a realistic taste of city life. The host could then be your own personal tour guide, full of insider information on the best restaurants and tourist attractions in the area. Other option could be staying outside of the city and travel by train/bus into the city, this can save a lot on accommodation.
4. Book flights in advance
Travel on a Tuesday if possible. Weekend flights are normally more expensive, so midweek flights can save you money and you'll have shorter lines at airport check-in counters and security. Always fly economy, no matter how wonderful Business Class appears, you can use the money you save on cheap tickets to pay for food, tourist attractions or accommodation. Low-cost, budget airlines are ideal for short flights and offer a variety of low-cost options, always try Skyscanner for the best deals on flights.
5. Packing and Luggage
Make sure you carry everything you'll need to avoid having to go shopping while you're away. Take at least one pair of long jeans, a warm jumper, and a waterproof jacket with you wherever you go in case of unpredictable weather. If going on a trip for a few days and want to avoid baggage charges use a backpack instead of a suitcase carry on as airline staff always expect that backpacks are light and usual get through without any charge.
6. Public transport
Buses and trains are cheaper than planes or taxis. Also a journey on an overnight train means you have one less night in a hostel/hotel to pay for.